Nanonetworking Laboratory

The Ultrabroadband Nanonetworking (UN) Laboratory is a vibrant research team aimed at addressing wireless communication and networking challenges that are of national and societal relevance by leveraging the state of the art in nanotechnologies. Examples include solving the problem of spectrum scarcity by developing new wireless technologies for Terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) communication; facilitating transformative health monitoring and drug-delivery systems by laying the foundations of wearable and intra-body nano-biosensing networks at infrared and visible optical frequencies; and developing non-invasive low-cost communication technologies for the Internet of Things and Nano-Things (IoNT).
Research Projects
Dr. Jornet and colleagues at the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things received the...
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Lab member Duschia Bodet is the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding PhD Student Award in...
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Lab member Duschia Bodet won the first prize at the Four-Minute-Thesis (4MT) Competition at the...
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Duschia Bodet and Josep M. Jornet received the Best Paper Award for “Characterizing Sub-THz MIMO...
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The tremendous speed at which technology evolves sets the pace of our society, especially when it comes to information and communication technologies. The UN Lab is aimed at providing the next generation of engineers with the theoretical foundations and hands-on experience needed to address the challenges that our society will face in the years to come.
EECE 5698 Special Topics: Spectrum Policy Issues for Wireless Communications Innovators