Qing Xia received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering & Automation from Hebei University of Technology, China in 2010. She received the M.S. degree in Electric Power & Energy System Engineering from University of Denver, USA, in 2012. Since January 2013, she is a Ph.D. student under the guidance of Professor Josep Miquel Jornet at the University at Buffalo, The state University of New York. She has worked as the Graduate Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant since 2014.
She worked as a graduate intern, in Intel Labs, OR, USA, from June 2016 to December 2016. Her work in Intel Labs focused on developing networking algorithms for intelligent, power constrained Internet of Things applications, including PHY/MAC protocols and mesh networking architecture, validating the proposed solutions through simulation and testbed deployment. In 2009, she worked as a graduate intern in Tianwei Baobian Electric Co. ltd., Baoding China. Her tasks included learning the test programs of transformer, participating in the tests of three transformers and assisting the technician in processing the test data.
Her research interests include wireless communication and networks, in particular, Terahertz-band communication, which including the development of physical layer, link layer and network layer techniques and protocols for 100-Gigabit-per-second and Terabit-per-second links; Millimeter-wave communication and Internet of Things.
Selected Honors and Awards
- The Second Scholarship of Hebei University of Technology, 2008.
- Honor Student of Electrical Engineering College in Hebei University of Technology, 2007.
- The Second Scholarship of Hebei University of Technology, 2007.
- Excellent Student of Electrical Engineering College, 2006.
- Neighbor discovery and routing protocol design with highly directional antennas for the ultra-broadband communication networks in the Terahertz Band.
- Optimal relaying strategies for THz-band communication networks based on cross-layer analysis.
- Design and optimization of link-layer MAC protocols for the THz-band communication networks based on different networking architectures.
- Implementation of the first THz communication extension for ns-3 (TeraSim).
Other Publications
- Q. Xia, Z. Hossain, M. Medley and J. M. Jornet, “Synchronization and Medium Access Control Protocol for Terahertz-band Communication Networks,” submitted for journal publication.
- Q. Xia and J. M. Jornet, “Leveraging Antenna Side-lobe Information for Expedited Neighbor Discovery in Directional Terahertz Communication Networks,” submitted for conference publication, 2018.
- Q. Xia and J. M. Jornet, “Cross-layer Analysis of Optimal Relaying Strategies for Terahertz-band Communication Networks,” in the Proc. of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), October 2017.
- Q. Xia, Z. Hossain, M. Medley and J. M. Jornet, “A Link-layer Synchronization and Medium Access Control Protocol for Terahertz-band Communication Networks,” in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego, CA, December 2015. [PDF]
Other Teaching
Teaching Assistant:
- EE413: Communication Electronics
- EE434/534: Principle of Networking
- EE450/550: Mobile Cellular Communication Networks
- EE550: Networked Systems Design
List your work as
1) Professional Activities and Service to the Scientific Community
- Reviewer for IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, ACM NanoCom 2016
2) Departmental, School and University Service
- Presented research works to prospective undergraduate students at UB Open House, 2016-2017.