Samar Elmaadawy

Samar Elmaadawy
Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115

Office: 648A5 EXP



Email: [email protected]


Samar Elmeadawy received her B.Sc. degree with the highest honors in Communications Engineering, from the German University in Cairo (GUC), Egypt. She conducted her Bachelor Thesis and Project in the safety analysis of aircraft systems, under the title of utilizing a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) algorithm in a Model-Based Safety Analysis (MBSA) tool, at the Flight System Dynamics (FSD) Institute at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.

Previously, she worked as a Junior Teaching Assistant at GUC since 2016 for 2 years, started her research in Steganography and Image Processing in 2018, was a working student in the Hardware Security Department at Fraunhofer AISEC, Munich, Germany, and a research student at the Chair of Security in Information Technology at TUM in 2019.

She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. degree under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Josep M. Jornet from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University, Boston, USA.

Selected Honors and Awards

  • IEEE ComSoc Travel Grant for IEEE Future Networks World Forum, November 2023
  • US National Science Foundation (NSF) Travel Grant for ACM NanoCom, August 2023
  • IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS) 2019 Student Design Contest First Place Award, July 2019
  • Leadership Development Experience Award, November 2017
  • GUC Academic Outstanding Achievement Scholarship Award, July 2015
  • University of Science and Technology, Zewail City Scholarship Award, July 2015

UN Lab Publications

S. Elmaadawy and J. M. Jornet, “The Thermal Impact of Wireless Sub-Terahertz Radios on the Human Eye in Next-Generation Extended Reality Headsets,” in the Proc. of the 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 2023. PDF
H. Elayan, S. Elmaadawy, A. W. Eckford, R. Adve, and J. Jornet, ‘‘The Thermal Impact of THz Signaling in Protein Nanonetworks,” in the Proc. of the 10th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, ser. NANOCOM ’23, Coventry, United Kingdom: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023, pp. 8–13. PDF
I. V. K. Reddy, S. Elmaadawy, E. P. Furlani, and J. M. Jornet, “Photothermal Effects of Terahertz-Band and Optical Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Tissues,” Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 14643, 2023. PDF

Other Publications

  • Y. Abdalla, M. Wasfy, S. Elmeadawy, N. Abdelhadi, and H.F. Hammad, “An Antenna Characterization Demo System Using an RFID Hemispherical Dome [Education Corner],” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 107-123, 2020.
  • S. Elmeadawy, A.A. Abdellatif, and F. Holzapfel, “Utilization of Constraint Satisfaction Problem Algorithms in Model-Based Safety Analysis [MBSA],” AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, p. 3215, 2020.
  • Y. Zaghloul, M. Wasfy, S. Elmeadawy, N. Abdelhadi, and H.F. Hammad, “Investigation and comparison of several commercially available UHF RFID tags’ performance,” 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA), IEEE, pp. 1-3, 2019.
  • S. Elmeadawy, and R.M. Shubair, “6G Wireless Communications: Future Technologies and Research Challenges,” 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA), IEEE, pp. 1-5, 2019.

Other Teaching

Junior Teaching Assistant at the German University in Cairo

  • System and Control Lab
  • Electric Circuits II Lab
  • Signal and System Theory Lab
  • Introduction to computer programming
  • Introduction to Computer Science